Sunday, March 26, 2006

Just the usual down here!

Hey guy!
Nothing new really happening down here!
I have just spent the weekend at my friends house in Puketapu, that was fun! Didn't get to sleep until about 3am this morning and then had to be up early for chapel! So I've had a 2hour nap today!
It's pretty bad weather at the mo' and apparntly a cyclone is suposse to hit! I'm having a party not this Sat but the next so hopefully the weathers good for that!!
George and Dad have been to a Father-Son thing at Lindy today but haven't really told me anything about it, they had fun though!
G had a social on Friday night, I meant to get pics but I forgot- sorry!
We've just been watching the Games- the netbal was good! Now we're watching the Closing Ceremony but we all think it's a bit of a laugh!
Well I better get to sleep- school tomorrow! Yay! Haha
Hope everyone is all good! Holidays soon, so hopefully we'll see you all then!
Love Soph


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