Sunday, January 15, 2006


We've just arrived back in H.B. after spending the weekend in Pukawa with Lynne, Geoff and Jarod.
Yesterday we managed to get the boat out, though not without difficulties. We took the boat from where it is stored to the boat ramp, ready to load it into the water, Geoff decided he shoud check the battery etc before we put it into the water, which was lucky because turns out the battery was dead.
We finally managed to get a new battery then when the boat was in the water we discovered we had no petrol. Finally we were all set to go biscuiting. It was just as fun as always, and Jarod, who had never done it before, picked it up in no time and had a great run. We had a lovely picnic lunch on the beach and then one more biscuit and called it quits.
In the evening we had our new neighbors over for drinks, then we had a great big chicken roast for dinner, then all hit the sacks.
It was a really fun weekend, great weather, and now were back in H.B for another week before we go back to Aucks and then we're off to Sydney!!
Keep you posted....
Love Soph


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