Monday, February 27, 2006


Hello 'ello
My m8 Alf (Alex Ebbett) came home with me on Friday, and we set up her 10 person, 3 room tent!
Saturday morn we had swimming sports, I didn't actually race because i was hom esick on Fri with bad asthma and a bad case of being 'pooped'! lol. So yeah but swimming sports was wiked, FRASER WON! (Fraser being my house!) McNeil came 3rd Jules! haha (McNeil being the house Jules was in when she was at Iona).
So then Mission on Sat afternoon was bluddy wiked! Mum and dad and all 'em old folk went off to their seated area, while my m8s nd I went to find the rest of our gang. The 7th formas had got there b4 us and saved us a posse so that was all good! We all just prtyed with the 7th form and some 6th form, one 4th forma 2. Some of the Lindy guys were there too so that was cool...
Then that night all 10 of my m8s slept in the tent, G and Matt(Matt Ebbett, G's m8 and Alex's bro) they slept in this little tent next door!
So as a wiked w/e.
G is back at school, M&D have left for the states so me and alf r home alone today cos we got the day off, we'll b gettin a taxi back to school later 2day.
Thats about it!
Hope everyone's all good!
Love Soph


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