Thursday, February 09, 2006


Hey Guys,
Turns out I can update my blog form school, I can't put photos on though- I don't think, so I'll put photos on in the weekends.
First day of school was great!
I have already got my NCEA assignment for art, english and history! My other subjects are maths, PE, science and home ec (cooking & nutrition).
I had my first Free today in 6th period which was fun, my friend Alex Ebbett and I have exactly the same timetables so we pretty much just stuffed around all period LOL, it was really fun.
Mum just came up to drop something off, she had just bee to see George, she said he was really happy, has lots of new friends which is cool, including Alex Ebbett's brother, Matt, so that's cool.
We have a bording activity to Splash Planet this weekend and Lindy are going too, so I'll see him there!
Oh another thing, I'm form leader! Haha, I feel all important now!
Well I better go.
Love Soph


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