Monday, August 14, 2006

Long weekend!!

This weekend has been so fun!
G and I both had Monday of for a mid-term break and Olivia came down for the weekend (she took Monday off school!)
On Sat I had netball semi-finals, we played Flaxmere and lost like 28-23, so that suked. They are number 1 in the grade and at one point we were up by 5 goals but it all just fell apart so it was petty gutting.
Sat avo was Bax's Bday party- country bumkins. It was so much fun, except we were about the only ones that dressed up but never mind lol, it was a great party.
Liv, G and I helped with the games etc was great fun! (Pictures below)
On Sunday we went to the farmers market and then to lunch in Napier. Had a bit of a splurge at MIA (Melaina and Rakai's shop) I got a blue Huffer dress, mum got a Huffer cardy and we both got another cardy to share!!
I got the dress to wear in Fiji!!!! The Boddys invited me to go with them in September!!! I can't wait!!! Gonna b SOOOOOO good!
Anyway.... G's back at school now. I'm just about to pack etc, fun fun!Hope everyone is great!
Love Soph


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