Thursday, November 23, 2006

Oh yeah, um not quite sure why you have to scroll all the way down here to read anything so sorry bout that! Not sure how to fix it.....
On study leave at the moment.
I've had one exam so far, English, on Tuesday, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be so that was good. I 've got Maths tomorrow, not my best subject so not looking forward to that! Next week I've got Chem, Science and History and then the week after that I've got Home Ec and Health, health is part of the Home Ec subject but it's a different paper which is so stupid because it's only one standard that we have three hours to do it in, and home ec's only 3 standards with 3 hours (English was 5 standards in three hours) so I don't see why they couldn't just add them in together but ohwell.
I hope no one is too prepared and has done their xmas shopping yet.....
I got the Dan Carter book on Tuesday and when we walked out of the shop Mum said, "You do realise everyone in th family is probably going to get that for you for xmas?!"
So I thought I'd let you all know I've got it and have already finished it and really enjoyed it!!!
Not alot else really going on down here.
George is at school. His Japanese teacher is taking their Japanese class to Taranaki today, overnight to check out the Samurai movie stuff lol so that sounds pretty fun.
The pool was filled on Monday, Brian has been adding all the chemicals etc that we need so it should be swimmable soon! Thank God cos it's been SO hot down here!


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