Saturday, March 11, 2006

Folks back in NZ!

Mum and Dad got back this morning!!!
They arrived in Auckland at about 5.30 this morning then came straight down to HB!
Bearing gifts ofcourse! Haha, for George's Bday he got a movie ipod, and also a RL ski jacket!
I got clothes!
They also got us some Aspenlipbalm, and 4 walkie talkies, one each, mostly for skiing but they're really fun to play with on the orchid!
The Soutar-Barrons are staying with us, Bax and Izy are getting so big! They are so adorable, and alot of fun! We have all decided that G and I get to be their god parents(very casual but still exciting) Haha.
School is going well, we both had atheletics on Friday, G got 2nd in 100m and 400m, I only did discus because I sprained my ankle at touch on Thurs night, I didn't get anywhere with the discus though!!
Having a BBQ tonight, Melaina and Ra and Nash and Haromi are coming over so that will be fun!
The Lindersfarne Gala is on tomorrow and G has voluntered to have a freshly sqeezed fruit juice stall, so he has had to organise all that, Jess has helped him out quite alot, I think he's all good to go!
I'll write again tomorrow if i remember and let you know how it goes!
Love Soph


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