Saturday, May 27, 2006


Not very good weather today down here. Woke up at 7am to the drizzle of the rain this morning, knowing I had to go and play netball I wasn't very happy about getting up, not that I ever am!
We played Hastings Girls High, it was a really good game, we won 23-21! Except I have shin splints which isn't very pleasant!
George is at The Da Vinci Code at the mo'. I just had a long nap, feel alot better now. All set for the rugby tonight, backing the Hurricanes so that should be exciting!
I'll try and post more often but I've been really busy at school.
Hope everyone is good
Love Soph

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Weekend at school!

Hey guys,
Sorry i havn't posted anything in ages!
Mum and Dad had a party in Auckland this weekend so G and I are staying in school!
I had my first netball game yesterday against Hastings Girls, we won 21-19.
Me and some of my mates went into Hastings yesterday and took McDonalds down to G at school, so that was fun. He was quite pleased to see us all, he loves it becuse he gets called stud because all my mates hhug him etc! LOL
Not much going on today though, happy mothers day mumsie! lol,(don't worry, iv already called her!)
Anyway I betta go.
I'll try post things more often, schools been pretty busy at the mo', all going good though!
Love Soph