Saturday, October 14, 2006

This week back at school hasn't been so flash.
I had Thurs off school to spend the day with dad which was AWESOME! We went out for brekkie and lunch. I washed Wanda the Honda then I drove dad out to Waimarama in her so we could see the house we are staying at for labour weekend! Did a couple more jobs then Dad made dinner... his specialty, steak, potato, red onion and salad, was delicious! Then we watched the netball together which wasn't so fun!
Then I went back to school yesterday just like a day girl, Dad traded me in for G because G is sick. Last night Dad cooked again... this time mashed potato, chicken kebabs and salad, that was yummy too. We ate that while watching Welly vs Aucks which was another bugga. Mum got back late last night to everyones delight!
It's almost 3pm and we still havn't really got up and going yet. Dad's out pruning the xmas trees though, I think G Mum and I are going to do the grocery shopping soon then we are going out to Otane to see the Suitor-Barrons so that will be cool!
Hopefully we win the netball tonight and Otago beat Waikato!
Probably write again tomorrow night....

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Holidays are almost over! :(
Just got back to Hawkes Bay, Mum and G are having a doze, when they wake up we're going up to Iona to get my room sorted.
Our hols were really good!
Caught up with all the family which was good. I saw alot of Olivia too so that was cool.
So just gonna take each day as it comes, we'll have to get into 'study mode' soon, how fun!