Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hey guys!!!
Sorry I havn't posted anything in yonks!!!
I would have done it at school but I can't because 'Blogger' is not an educational site so has been blocked!!!
Last weekend was great stayin with Jess, Gerard, Bax and Izzie in Otane! Had so much fun!!!
Had a pretty good week at school. George even better- he had a speech exam, where he talked about places in London. He got Honours! That's the best you can get!
This weekend has gone very very fast! My netball game was at 11.15 on Sat morning, it was against Hastings Girls. We won by 2 points! Man it was close!! It was a really hard game!
We were suppose to go to Pukawa on Sat night but we decided we'd get up early and go this morning cos we didn't know where we would be able to watch the rugby over Pukawa way....
So we watched the rugby here last night... I almost died of heart failure! I cudn't sit still, I was rolling around on the ground but we came out ok so I'm very relieved about that!
Got up at 5.30 this morning!
Got to the mountain around 9.30ish?? Had a great day skiing. Was quite poor visibility but the snow was good and other wise the weather was really good- warm, no wind.
G's trials went really well!
They each got three goes each. (Dad said it was one of the worst courses he's even seen) There were about 20 boys trialing and only about 5 of them got through all 3 trials without bailing... INCLUDING GEORGE! So that was good! I was SOOOOO nervous for him!
I had a good time, skiied with a mate from school for a while then watched George... had a snow war with some lindy jafa boys but that was fun! So great day all up! Our form has a ski day on Friday so we're all really looking forward to that!
My friends Brooke and Alex are going to stay with us at Pukawa for the weekend so I really can't wait!!!
Cool well better get to bed!!!
Hope everyone is great!
Love Soph

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Home again...

Just got back from down south!
Photos below!!
The skiing was really really good, was soooo much fun!
Caught up with Olivia, were together pretty much 24/7 which was cool!
It was cool having Sam and Jules down too, had lotsa fun!
Drove from Wanaka to Chch yesterday and then flew back to HB at 7am! Woke up at 5.30! Definately the low light of the holiday! lol
Dad is back in Wanaka and mum is going back on Tuesday morning when G and I are back at school, joy!
They've still got another 2 weeks down there.
I feel really sorry for Wilbur, I miss him!
So next weekend were going out to Otane to stay with Jess, Gerard, Bax and Izzy (the godkids!) can't wait!
Hope everyone's had great hols!
Love Soph

Dad playing pool at our fave place, Tuatara pizza! Posted by Picasa

Geroge, Olivia and me on a Cardrona chair lift. Posted by Picasa

Cardrona Posted by Picasa

Rodney Hide, watch out! This is the dancing with the stars shirt that we mde for dads bday, with ALOT of help from Jess!!! Doesn't he look smashing!? Posted by Picasa

Me and Olivia at Cardrona Posted by Picasa

George playing pool at our fave place, Tuatara pizza. Posted by Picasa

Zac, G and Sam on a Cardrona chair lift. Posted by Picasa

View from TC Posted by Picasa

Sam at Cardrona Posted by Picasa

Cardrona pub!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Hey guys!
Wanaka is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im kinda in a hurry at the mo' mum wants to check her emails so i will update u guys later with photos too.
hope everyones all good!

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Right now we'r in Chrstchurch! In the koru club, our flight to Queenstown has been delayed about half an hour.
I'm so glad it's holidays!!! Ican't wait to get up the mountain! I think we're all really looking forward to it!!
Just thought I'd quickly fill you guys in, don't know when I'll be able to next updaye but should prob be able to off dads laptop, will try to put some pics on too!
love soph