Sunday, June 25, 2006

Long time, no post

So I can't post from school now because they've gotton all strict and blocked all non-educational sites excluding hotmail, but that's on the way out next term too, so that sucks but ohwell.
Had the best weekend in Auckland last weekend with my mates Brooke and Megan. It was so fun! Did quite a bit of shopping so that was good. The rugby was deff the highlight though, it was awsum!!!!!!!!!
Mum and Dad are in Fiji at the mo' so we at home with Jess and Gerard, Bax and Izzy. George has practice all day for his production, Sleepy Hollow, even thigh he only has about two lines but ohwell.
I won my netball on Sat mornin, thegame was a bit of a joke though. I was at my mates drinks the night before and the game was at 8.30 (8am warm up) so that was fun, it was pouring dowb with rain too! Then we got onto the court and Hastings Girls were down one player so I didn;t have a parter for a while, I felt like a wee bit of a lost soul lol.
But yeah. Just been chillin at home really, Gerard and I watched the rugby this morning, both almost died of heart failure!! We came out on top though, just! So no one died!
Gerard is going to take me out for driving lessons this avo I think, do some parallel parking practice! So that will be good.
Last week of school yussss! I CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO WANAKA!!!!!!!Have a good week.
Love Soph

Eden Park!! Posted by Picasa

Megan, George, me and Brooke with our cool sign! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sophie regrets to advise that she can no longer update her blog from school so will do so at weekends! Don't stop looking, she'll be updating you with all her news each weekend!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Busy Weekend!

I'm at home sick today. Just got a cold and have had a very busy weekend so Mum thought I should spend the day in bed, like I was going to argue with that!
I had exams last week. They weren't too bad. What I've got back so far I've passed. I've got back some more NCEA assaignments too, I've passed all those too. Havn't missed any credits yet so that's good.
On Friday after school i had 4 friends home to 'unwind' after exams, we just sat around watching TV and made pizza.
On Sat I had netball at 8.30. We played Havelock High and bet 'em 33-13!! So that felt good haha.
I had my fried Brooke over on Saturday and then at like 5ish we picked up another 5 friends from school. I made spag boll for everyone, it was really good too! lol. So we got all feed then started to get ready for this party in Havelock, which took about 3 hours to get all dressed up for haha. The party was 'P' themed, so we had to dress up as something beginning with P. I went as a pupil lol, it sounds stupid but it was pretty cool. I wore mum's old Iona blazer haha. 3 of my friends went punk, one as Peter Pan, one went posh and the other as a polka dot!!! It was a really fun night!!

Fran, Kate, Katie, Arnie, Megan, me and Brooke. (Posh, Peter Pan, x3
Punks, Pupil and Polka dot!!)
Just hung around the house on Sunday. Finally got out of my PJs at about 6pm and Jess and I droped G of at chapel and we went for a driving lesson in the dark! It was really fun. I learnt how to do 3point turns, u-turns, parking etc haha it was good. Thank god for Jess other wise I don't know who wold teach me these things! Well actually I think I'm going to get lessons after school some days (but still, Jess is a legend!) I'm determined to try and go for my restricted before we go to Wanaka, so I'll have to keep learning fast!
G has exams this week. He is very very stressed for them! He brought all his books home to study and did about an hour max but that's all good.
I'm so excited for Friday!! Coming up to Aucks with 2 of my friends, Megan and Brooke! Well really I'm looking forward to Saturday more, RUGBY!! But Friday's closer so I'm just hanging out for then!
Well see most of you guys this weekend hopefully!
Love Soph

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hey Hey.
Hope everyone had an awsum long weekend!!
Ours was pretty good. Had the Corries down from Auckland, and Mary so I had to bunk with George.
Then Jess came down on Sunday, FOREVER! She now lives in Hawkes Bay! Gerrard and the kids are still in Auckland, they come down not this weekend but the next, when we are in Auckland.
Jess took us out to Otane to see the new house. It' SO COOL! I love it!!!! I can't wait to be able to babysit out there haha!
Jess let me do some driving too which was good. I could have my restricted by now but I really havn't had enough practice. Mums nerves aren't too good, she can't cope, Dad is good though, but I hardly ever go anywhere with him.
I have exams this week which sucks. They don't count for anything though so that's ok. I've had one Science one and one Home Ec one, they both went okish. Lol, still got heaps to go. I've got quite a few assaignments back today, i got achieved for this Art portfollio, Merit for this Home Ec internal, Merit for this art thing on Shane Cotton. So that's pretty good. All up, including the credits I got last year I have 45 credits! So I'm over half way!!!
Well not alot ele really. I'm so tired, I was up till 11.30 last night doing a Home Ec internal, got to Home Ec today and only 2 of us had finished. That's all good that I got it done but it really pisses me off that I got mine done in time (just!) and th others don't put in any effort but get away with it, the teacher's causually given them more time to do it. This is the second time this has happened to me, it happened last week in history. But still I'm glad I got mine done.
Okay this time I better go. Pies for lunch!
Love Soph xox