Friday, January 20, 2006


Well it is VERY lazy aroud here at the mo' lol. Yesterday George and I went on a hunt for lose change, and you know us- there was hundres of dollars lying around in coins! Mum said that we could keep the money, and we also put in ur money that we already had, added it all up and split in in half for our spending money in Aussie! So we took in all our coins today and got them counted and exchanged for Aussie dollars, all up we have $310(OZ money) each!
We have just got back from Napier, where we went to the opening of Melana and Rakai's MIA art gallery, was very nice!
One more day before we come up to Auckland- I think I'm the only one that is desperatly excited, but not quite as excited as I am to be going to Sydney!
See you guys soon!
Love Soph

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Post from G

Hey! It's George here!
Soph wanted me to write a post about whatever random thing I wanted to, so here goes!
I am currently doing up my room, cleaning, paking for Sydney, changing beds around, all that fun stuff.
The pool is really warm, everyone should come down for a swim!
The xmas trees are growing.
So don't you guys think it's sad that Tana's retiring? I do, he used to my favourite back in the days when I didn't even know what rugby was, probably cos he had long hair... But now my Fav is Dan, he's so hot!
LOL no, no, just joking, man he can kick that ball! Oh well Richie McCaw is cool too, he will be a good captain.
Sophie is getting all excited because Super 14 is starting up soon, I think on Sam's Bday(10th Febrary) the first game is at Eden Park, between Hurricanes and and Soph really wants to go but she will be in Hawkes Bay.
Well that's it for now, see you guys soon.
Love George

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Nothing much happening here....

Nothing much to report, it's all been pretty quiet around here lately.
Dad has been doing his work round the orchid, and mum has been sewing name tags onto George's Lindersfarne uniform.
George and I have both been stayin up until the early hours of the morning and sleeping in until noon.
I'll let you know when there is more going on, until then...
Love Soph

Sunday, January 15, 2006


We've just arrived back in H.B. after spending the weekend in Pukawa with Lynne, Geoff and Jarod.
Yesterday we managed to get the boat out, though not without difficulties. We took the boat from where it is stored to the boat ramp, ready to load it into the water, Geoff decided he shoud check the battery etc before we put it into the water, which was lucky because turns out the battery was dead.
We finally managed to get a new battery then when the boat was in the water we discovered we had no petrol. Finally we were all set to go biscuiting. It was just as fun as always, and Jarod, who had never done it before, picked it up in no time and had a great run. We had a lovely picnic lunch on the beach and then one more biscuit and called it quits.
In the evening we had our new neighbors over for drinks, then we had a great big chicken roast for dinner, then all hit the sacks.
It was a really fun weekend, great weather, and now were back in H.B for another week before we go back to Aucks and then we're off to Sydney!!
Keep you posted....
Love Soph

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Well it was pretty rotten weather all around NZ today, including in HB, it was raining and it was only 22°C . George and I have been for a swim anyway, our pool is 24°C, warmer than outside but it has gone down from 28°C yesterday. Dads xmas trees are getting bigger, and the house is coming along really nicely. We have had our handyman working very hard lately and you can tell.I'll keep posting pics of the house as we have more done.
Love Soph

Our new cottage at night,doesn't it look nice? Posted by Picasa

Our house by night, we just had all those lights put in, they look better in real life though. Posted by Picasa

The new cottage and the pool- warmer in than out today! Posted by Picasa

Dads Xmas Trees Posted by Picasa

The House Posted by Picasa

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Guys!
I hope everyone had a really enjoyable Xmas and New Year. Ours was great, on xmas day we did the usual present opening at 497 with Jules playing Santa and were all spoiled rotten. We were joined by Nan and Grandpa and also Phillip and his kids for xmas dinner.
I had my first New Years away from the fam! I was staying in Taupo with my great friend Olivia Boddy, which was really fun. Although my actual New Years Eve wasn't that memorable (Taupo wasn't the 'most happening' place in NZ to be on NYE) my time in Taupo was VERY memorable, one day in particular, Thursday 29th December 05, the day I met DAN CARTER! I'm sure this isn't new info to anyone but I'm allowed to brag, right? (Picture below- check it out!) Anyway this year has stated off well, havn't been up to an awful lot, we've had visitors come and go all year so far, after Jules left on Monday it has started to settle down, which is nice.
Well it's 2.15am so I should probably get to bed!
Love Soph

Me and the gorgeous Dan Carter! Posted by Picasa