Monday, February 27, 2006


Hello 'ello
My m8 Alf (Alex Ebbett) came home with me on Friday, and we set up her 10 person, 3 room tent!
Saturday morn we had swimming sports, I didn't actually race because i was hom esick on Fri with bad asthma and a bad case of being 'pooped'! lol. So yeah but swimming sports was wiked, FRASER WON! (Fraser being my house!) McNeil came 3rd Jules! haha (McNeil being the house Jules was in when she was at Iona).
So then Mission on Sat afternoon was bluddy wiked! Mum and dad and all 'em old folk went off to their seated area, while my m8s nd I went to find the rest of our gang. The 7th formas had got there b4 us and saved us a posse so that was all good! We all just prtyed with the 7th form and some 6th form, one 4th forma 2. Some of the Lindy guys were there too so that was cool...
Then that night all 10 of my m8s slept in the tent, G and Matt(Matt Ebbett, G's m8 and Alex's bro) they slept in this little tent next door!
So as a wiked w/e.
G is back at school, M&D have left for the states so me and alf r home alone today cos we got the day off, we'll b gettin a taxi back to school later 2day.
Thats about it!
Hope everyone's all good!
Love Soph

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hey Hey Hey!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
George and I caught a taxi home from school on Friday. When we got home we made a banana cake for mum's birthday! It was actually, surprisingly, really yummy!
Didn't do much yesterday.
Today we went to the airport to pick up Mary Will, then we all went and had a day shopping in Napier. It was like a zoo because it has been Art Deco Weekend.
I have just spent the evening helping Dad with his ipod, that was fun, especially the part when he couldn't get his laptop to turn on, and started yelling and kicking things, luckily I managed to fix it.
The latest update to the house is almost finished- decking around the pool, well I geuss it is finished, around the pool anyway, just got to get outside the old cottage done.
Pictures Below.
Anyway, back to school at 8am tomorrow so should prob get to bed, have a good week everyone!
Love Soph

Looking good ay! LOL Don't mind the tramp, G was practising pitching against it! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Nothing much to report....

Hey Guys,
Not much happening at school, pretty boring really.
Been given lots of assignments but havn't started any yet, I have to do one in class tomorrow- English (creative writing).
I'm catching a taxi home tomorrow after school cos mum and dad won't be back from sailing yet. Looking forward to the Blues- Highlanders game! Haha, hopefully we do better than we did against the Hurricanes!
Ohwell, not much else to report.
I'll post again at the end of the weekend, let you guys know what we were up to!
Love Soph

Monday, February 13, 2006

Splash Planet

Hello 'ello
Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!
I stayed in school, fun , fun! It wasn't actually too bad though, on Sat we all went into the village, and on Sunday we went to Splash Planet, and so did Lindy. I saw George, he's all good! He's loving it at Lindy, has heapsa friends and yeah! He's joined the Kapa Haka and has scratches all over his chest, and the most screwed up voice ever, but he said that one of the senoirs chose him as one of the best 10 and got an ice cream! Haha, I wonder if he's the only little white boy? But they're are going to America next year so I told him to keep it up!
Anyway, it's really hot in HB at the mo', school's all good.
Hope everyone's all good!
Love Soph

Friday, February 10, 2006


Just a post to say a big
HAPPY BDAY 2 SAM!!!!!!!!
Hope u had a wiked as day! and a really good dinner with the fam!
Cu soon
Love Soph

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Hey Guys,
Turns out I can update my blog form school, I can't put photos on though- I don't think, so I'll put photos on in the weekends.
First day of school was great!
I have already got my NCEA assignment for art, english and history! My other subjects are maths, PE, science and home ec (cooking & nutrition).
I had my first Free today in 6th period which was fun, my friend Alex Ebbett and I have exactly the same timetables so we pretty much just stuffed around all period LOL, it was really fun.
Mum just came up to drop something off, she had just bee to see George, she said he was really happy, has lots of new friends which is cool, including Alex Ebbett's brother, Matt, so that's cool.
We have a bording activity to Splash Planet this weekend and Lindy are going too, so I'll see him there!
Oh another thing, I'm form leader! Haha, I feel all important now!
Well I better go.
Love Soph

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hols over :(

I've just got back from school, just went up to unpack. Found my room, I'm next to all my friends so that's all good. One of the lightbulbs in my room wasn't working, so Mum managed to steal one for me from someone I don't like! We also stole some drawers, there aren't quite enough of them to go around, first in first served!
So 've got up my photos of last years camp, and my photos from the underwater camera I shared with Olivia (well the photos that weren't of Liv's finger!) Also got my Blues/All Blacks posters up!
So I have to go back tonight at 7.30. I don't know if I'll be able to update my blog from school, so if I can't I geuss it'll just be week end updates from now on.
House updates: Our handyman Brian has started putting down the decking around the pool, it's looking good I think!

Well I gtg, Home and Away's on!
Love Soph

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Hey again!
At this moment George will be asleep in his new bed at Lindisfarne!
Mum and Dad droped him off this avo, and went to this cocktail party they had at the school. They said that he seemed to really like it, he's in a dorm with some one from Hereworth so that's all good.

See what I mean about the Jaffa thing?
Love Soph


Hey guys!
Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while, I couldn't do it in Sydney. We all had a really great time, the court case worked out well, which was the main thing.
George and I did ALOT of shopping! Our apartment was across the road from the 3rd biggest mall in the world! It was HUGE! 6 floors, 2 blocks, it goes across the road! PARADISE!
When we got to our apartment we went up the lift and got off at floor P, for PENTHOUSE!!! Jeepers, it was MASSIVE! 3 rooms, 2 bathrooms, a lounge, kitchen, laundry, 2 tvs, and a balcony that went on forever, with spa on it too!

Our massive penthouse balcony and the spa!
Wicked views as well!

The view of sydney from our room!
It was so cool, especially when you were sharing a lift with someone and you went and pushed the 'P' button, and they'd be like "whoa! Penthouse! Cool!"

Another pic of our huge balcony!

Our lounge, and the kitchen where Lynne is. (It's actually bigger than it looks there!)
ANYWAY.... Our first day in Sydney was Australia day! We went over to Manly for lunch etc, it was SOOO hectic!! People in Wallaby jerseys, and Australian flags wrapped around them like capes, man it was a sea of green and yellow or as the Aussies say green and 'GOLD'. Everywhere we went there were people yelling "Aussie, aussie, aussie, oi, oi, oi" but anyway, we had a good Aussie day.
It was SOOOOOOO hot over there, like 35 somedays! We didn't actually spend any time at the beach, we did do a coastal walk from Bondi to Bronte though.
When the adults were working, G and I caught a train into the city and did some shopping there, all by ourselves!! LOL.
Dad also took us to see our old school, Crown Street Public, and we had a drink at our old fav cafe, and we walked past our old house too.
Oh! We also saw a really big, ugly spider! Like the size of my palm, it was a huntsman, which I think are non-toxic but their bite can still be really painful, and look at it! It's creepy!

The huntsman spider :-s
So anyway we got back on Friday, and drove back down to H.B. on Fri night. Arrived at about midnight! Jules and her friend Rose, and also Beverley are staying with us.
It's George's last day of freedom,off Lindisfarne to become a jaffa tohis avo!! Now he'll be two kinds of jaffas, a JAFA, from AKLD, and now a Lindy Jaffa. Haha. K well I'll put photos on tonight of him all dressed up in his uniform, and if you didn't get the jaffa thing, you will when you see the photos. Ttly.