Sunday, April 30, 2006

Holidays over :(

Hey guys.
This is my last post before i'm back off to school.
All ready, have been up and got my room all sorted. I've got a good room, one that's bigger than usual so thats good! Next to my friends to so that's good. Only problm is i still havn't done my art prep :S oh well, i'll get it done some time!
So I'm going back tonight at about 8.30, well that's when I usually go back but will prob go back earlier tonight so mum and dad can watch dancing with the stars.
George isn't back until tomorrow night!
Last night we went to the Cranswicks for dinner to see Catherine before she leaves, which was fun. George Cranswick is quite fond of George and our George was quite worn out by the end of the night!!
Well that's about it, we'll be home again next weekend so I'll write again then!
Love Soph

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Hey Hey Hey!!!!
How is everyone!!?
Holidays have been pretty good! It's been great to be back in Auckland!
I haven't really caught up with any mates except Olivia. Today we went and had a very girly day in town, movies, lunch at a sushi bar (SO GOOD!), manicures and pedicures and shopping! So that was alot of fun! A great way to kind of end the holidays.
George and I both have quite a bit of homework to do so thats a bit of a bummer! But we'll get it done once we just sit down and do it!
So tomorrow we have this drinks party thing, mum is very busy cleaning the house and cooking and doing all that good stuff! Should be fun I geuss.
Then we just have Friday left really, back off to HB on Sat. We were planning on leaving Aucks earlish so that we could have lunch in Taupo but I don't know if that will work out, knowing us we will be lucky to arrive in HB in time for dinner!
I'm back to school on Sunday night, I'm actually looking forward to it- seeing my friends more than the actual school work!
G isn't back till Monday night so he has an extra day to tell himself how much he is dreading going back, until he does and then will realise he doesn't mind it at all!
Ohwell that's about it!
Talk to you all soon.
Love Soph

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday!!!

Happy Good Friday everyone!!
I've just been unpacking, and thought I'd take a break so I put some photos on from the party! They're kind of random ones (I just chose funny ones of G really!) all up I have 282 photos so I really wasn't gonna put them all on! I'll bring them all up to Aucks so if you guys REALLY wana see the others you can!
Ok well enjoy!
Can't wait to see you all!
Love Soph

Haha, alex and the boys! Posted by Picasa

Me and G Posted by Picasa

My mates Flop, Livi and Emmy with G! haha Posted by Picasa

G' s mate Jock, G and my mate Vaughn Posted by Picasa

George and my m8 Vaughn on sing star! Posted by Picasa

A Group of us at the parrty. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Hey there!
Finally HOLIDAYS!!
I'm so excited for them!!!
We had House Music today, McNeil won unfortunatly! They didn't tell us who came 2nd, 3rd and 4th which was dumb but ohwell.... It would have been Fraser i bet!
Lindy had their House Music today aswell, Aidan came 3rd. So a very successful day for us really!! Haha...
G has done something to his hip and is on painkillers! We don't quite know what he's done and neither does he but he's not allowed to stand up haha he has to be in bed for 2 days but I don't think he's really following orders...
Hmmm what else?
I'm looking forward to Easter- whatever day we get chocolate!!! Yum!!
I'm really looking forward to going home too!!! So excited!
Well anyway, I'm going to go hav dinner now!
Love Soph

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Hello 'ello!
How is everyone?
We're all good down in HB!
I had my party last night! It was so much fun! Everything went really well! No major dilemmas! WAS WIKED!
I don't really know what else there is to report!
I'll put photos on when I get them developed!
Until then...
Love Soph

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Long time, no post.....

Hey Guys,
Sorry it's been a while since I updated this!
Hope everyones all good!
We're all great down here in HB!
I'm at school right now, just had a pretty lazy weekend, Mum and Dad went up to Auckland overnight for a wedding so G and I stayed at Longlands by ourselves and just watched TV!
It's been pretty bad weather but has suddenly turned good, I'm having a party on Sat night so hopefully it's all good for that! The boys are camping on the lawn, like 30 of them in a 10 person tent! So they prob want it to be good waether more than anyone else! All the girls will be in our house haha, shud be fun! I'll put photos on on Sunday!
HAPPY BDAY JULES!!!!!!!!!!!Hope you had a wiked day! xoxo
What else?
The Blues won their game on Fri night!!! YUS!
Well not much else to report, I promise I'll try update more often!
Love Soph