Wednesday, September 27, 2006

fiji photos..... more to come!

top top: view from our rm at the hilton above:frasers traveli

top top: hilton pools above:nananu pool

top: me and the fish above: me and sacha

liv and me

dairne fraser me and liv

nananu pool sunset

Monday, September 25, 2006

Got back from FIJI on sat....
We stayed on this island, Nananu-i-ra. Was really quiet, only two other families, all other kids under the age of 5, so that had its good and bad sides. You can look at the website: it's not a great site but you can look at the pics of the place.
We did heaps of cool things, kayaking, fishing, snorkeling, sunbathing, swimming etc. When we went fishing we (Fraser) caught a 15 pound traveli fish!!!! Had that for dinner, YUUUUUMMMM!!!!
Because we were staying 3 hrs away from the airport we moved to a surprise place on Friday for our last night.... The Hilton at Denerau. It was VERY NICE!
Liv is was rather red on our last couple of days but has now got a nice tan, except it is now peeling! I managed not to get burnt so that was good!!
My camera craped out when we were there so Liv has all the pics, when i get hold of them I'll put them all on for you guys to see!
On Sat, I went to one of the fashion shows with Liv and Dairne which was really cool/
On Sunday I went to Lynne and Geoff's and I helped Lynne make a cake and dinner, Bron and Matt came for dinner and we celebrated Catherines 27th b'day without her! But all spoke to her on the phone between dinner and desert. So i stayed there last night, I'm now home ast 497 by myself, M,D&G on their way up from HB, when they get here we are going to Lynne and Geoffs for dinner!!!
AND NOW I HAVE 2 WEEKS OF HOLS! how will i survive?......I think I'll manage!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

On Friday G, Mum and I went to the M.I.A. fashion show in Napier. Was so cool and Melania even asked G to model, cat walk and all! Was really really fun! I'll put photos on if we get hold of some!
Early morning on Sat (4am!). Drove to Whakapapa for HB ski champs. It looked like such nice day when we were driving along, but ohno! We got up the Bruce and it wasn't too flash. But that didn't stop us! Had races in the morning and duals in the avo! I won both my duals! G won one and lost the other(JUST, it looked like he had won it from where I was watching, but apparntly not!) He didn't have a very good start.... 3...2...1...GO! Off they both go but was fiddling with a glove or something... typical! lol but he managed to catch up and I thought win, but not quite. Ohwell, a convincing win 2nd time around!
So Lindisfarne won, Iona 2nd, Woodfrod 3rd... same as last year!!
Just about to watch a DVD with G then he's off to chapel! I have mock exams this week, should be studying but meh!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Hey guys!
Mum, Dad and I just got back from Ohakune. G and I have just had North Island Secondry Schools Ski champs. G went back on the Lindy bus and had school today (haha) but I have the day off!
We both did pretty well considering we don't race. I'm not quite sure what G's team came but I'll find that out and put it on later.
My team came....(wait for it...)..... 6TH!!!! which is awesom out of like 80 schools!!! especially for such a small school like Iona!
St Peters Cambridge won, Kristan 2nd, Kings 3rd, Dio 4th and St Kents 5th... and lil old Iona from Havelock North, Hawkes Bay came 6th!! Helen Campbell who's in my team got 3rd fastest snr girl so taht was wiked!! We're all stoking it hard out!!
Had the prizegiving at Ruapehu College last night. G's team won a spot prize but they weren't there to collect it so someone from the other Lindy team that's a dayboy and didn't have to be back in the boarding house collected it for them. Someone in my team won a spot prize too. K2 gave away 2 pairs of skis, one girl from Corran won a pair but wasn't there to collect them so they had to re-draw! Wouldn't you be gutted!!?
Anyway. We've got Hawkes Bay this weekend so that will be fun, a little less serious, but still Iona's aiming to win!!
I'll let you know how HBSC go next weekend!
Hope everyones good!
Photos below, plus more to come!
Love Soph



Friday, September 01, 2006

This week has been heapsa fun at iona!!!
We've had arts festival, it's been SO COOL! We've been doing workshops etc it's been rad!
Yestaday we watched this play thing which was cool. Then I had a card making workshop which sounds gay but it was actually alot of fun and was perfect with fathers day coming up etc, and also cos its my mate kates bday!! Then I also had a chocolate making workshop... do i need to say anything else? YUM!
Today we had a bad taste competeion, it was compulsary for the whole school to enter, it was SO FUNNY!
My friends, Mabz and kate and I entered wearing G's Lindy uniform!! WE WON! OMG IT WAS FREAKING FUNNY! (pics below!) Was so much fun too!
Also had a lip syncin comp which me and like 7 other friends entered into with a whole lot of remix songs, got on stage and had a huge laugh! Didn't get any where with that one but i'm sure it's just cos they didn't want me, mabz and kate hoggin' all the prizes!! haha.
But nah it was so cool, and its rad cos we had the same thing in third form.... i would NEVER EVER EVER have done any of that stuff in third form so its really cool to be doing all this stuff that's not exactly in my comfort zone but am still having a blast doing! (did i mention i did a reading in chapel a few weeks ago? .... see what i mean? DEFINATLY NOT MY THING! but was still good to do something new etc)
We also had Jnr house drama tonight.
Fraser came 2nd so that was good! Gartan won, McNeil lost... sorry jules (not really though!)
G's house drama last week went well. His house came 2nd too i THINK, they did Alexander the Great and G played Alexander's mum!
so anyway...

G and I both have North Island skiing this weekend so that will be cool, the forecast is crap but ohwell!
I'll let you know how we go on Tuesday!
Hope you guys are all great!
Love Soph!

kate, me and mabz in our award winning bad taste gear!!! Posted by Picasa

Mabz, me, kate in our award winning bad taste gear!!! Posted by Picasa